Welcome To Kashhiful Uloom
In 2014, Kashiful Uloom started as a madrasa with two volunteer ʿālims on a farm building in northern Melbourne. We have set out an ambitious goal of establishing a madrasa based on a traditional syllabus with community support. The goal remains to produce scholars well-versed in tradition, practicing the Sunna and working for the advancement of all Australians.
This site details all the hard work we are doing at Kashiful Uloom to achieve our vision for our madrasa. We ask you, our community, to support this project so we may find a permanent home for our madrasa. We acknowledge without your ongoing support, we cannot continue to deliver this essential service. Your trust and your confidence in us is what drives and motivates us to continue with this development.
Kashiful Uloom Recordings
Our Projects
Your contribution will further deen, InshaAllah!
Kashiful Uloom endeavours to be an institute that follows the footsteps of those great ʿulamā, sincerely with the help of Allāh. It is not just buildings and academics, but a place where character development takes place side by side. Acquisition of Islamic knowledge is not simply an academic exercise but a spiritual pursuit for one’s ākhira.
- Aalim course
- Firdaws Academy (Quran, Arabic and Islamic courses for adults)
- Establishment of Firdaws Academy Press
- Firdaws Studios
- Alima courses for sisters/girls
- Creation of a Fatwa and Research body that is Australia-specific.
What is Kashiful Uloom?
Virtue of Spending
Support KU in delivering quality Alim courses
We call on your donations to support this project. While initially all our teachers were volunteers, alhamdulilah, we have been able to expand our teaching capabilities. As our madrasa grew, with the support of family and friends, we are now able to pay our teachers. We currently severalʿālims engaged on a part-time and full-time basis.
Alhamdulillah, through your continued support As of January 2023, we are now located in a masjid in Melbourne. Our only priority is delivering quality lessons to students and making sure that we have staff who are able to do so and that they are paid a respectable wage.
Make A Donation Today
2024-2025 Madrasa Expenses
Thank you for continued support
To all the brothers and sisters who have supported us, over the years especially during the pandemic. All administrators, teachers and students are grateful and appreciative of your support. May Allah Ta’laa accept your contributions and recompense you with better in the hereafter and place baraka in you, your families, your children, homes and wealth. Ameen. Ya Raabil Alameen.
As our institute has grown, so have our needs, especially hiring qualified teachers. Alhamdulillah some of our student’s parents make financial contributions to the madrasa. Also other students are financially supported through KU. For this reason, we again encourage you to donate what you can, to support the growth and development of our madrasa. Alhamdulillah, our past students are now imams, teachers of Islamic studies and Quran and others are pursuing advanced studies such as the Mufti course. Alhamdulillah.